June 20th, 2016Success Stories Product Information
First Response Vehicles
Schedule II Narcotic Box
2018 Program Update: Since 2016, EIC Solutions has been working with Pro Tech systems, providing Custom Narcotic Enclosure Cooling units to protect Schedule II narcotics. Building on the initial successes, the program has grown from a pilot program with enclosures in 32 vehicles to over 60 vehicles, with as many as 72 more on the horizon.
Pro Tech Systems is a security company that specializes in burglary, fire, and access control applications for various industries. They have long supplied Washington DC Fire with Schedule II narcotic boxes for their ambulance fleet. These boxes are used to store drugs that in severe cases are administered to a patient while the ambulance is in route to a hospital. Pro Tech turned to EIC Solutions to provide a custom cooling solution for the narcotics enclosure.
The initial narcotic boxes did not have any security features, which put these controlled substances at risk of being tampered with, or stolen which was a major concern for DC Fire. They contacted Pro Tech Systems to design secure narcotic boxes. Pro Tech Systems supplied a new version of the drug box that required keypad or ID card entry to gain access to the drugs. This new design exceeded DC Fire’s security needs, however, they became increasingly concerned with the drugs storage temperature requirements. When the temperatures in the secure box exceed the drug’s storage temperatures, the narcotics must be discarded. As a result, DC Fire was regularly forced to waste large quantities of drugs. They quickly recognized that a secure, temperature controlled container is paramount for first responders who rely on these medications to stabilize patients until they reach the hospital.
Pro Tech Systems was introduced to EIC Solutions, Inc. at a local security trade show and discussed the need for specific temperature requirements for the next generation of narcotic boxes to protect the sensitive drugs. EIC worked closely with Pro Tech Systems to provide a solution that would meet the fit, form, and function of DC Fire’s specifications. The final proposed solution was a completely custom narcotic enclosure cooling system, designed for their specific needs. The compact product featured:
The custom narcotic enclosure cooling system EIC Solutions, Inc. developed provided sufficient space to store the drugs, as well as the ID access controls Pro Tech Systems integrated into the narcotic enclosure for DC Fire. EIC Solutions provided the initial prototype for DC Fire to run a 30 day trial. After rigorous testing in field, DC Fire was pleased with the proposed solution. The initial order outfitted their ambulance fleet of 32 vehicles. This is serving as the beta site for first response vehicles nationwide.
Many industries contact EIC Solutions, Inc. with unique applications, which require a fresh perspective to determine if there is a standard product that will meet their requirements, or if a custom approach is required. If you need a recommendation for your application please contact a knowledgeable EIC Solutions sales engineer.
Determine how much cooling you need for your application by properly sizing your enclosure cooling. Get started by Downloading our Sizing Guide eBook.
EIC Solutions, Inc. specializes in the design and manufacturing of thermoelectric cooling systems, air-conditioned electronic enclosures, and transit cases for a wide range of applications. Our products have been used in a variety of enclosure cooling applications involving the protection of electronic equipment both indoors and outdoors. EIC Solutions strives to provide the best resources and tools to help customers protect investments in sensitive electronics. If you have questions regarding any of our products please contact us at 800-497-4524 or contact us to discuss the best solution for your specific application.